Tuesday, November 30, 2010

30 Days

Well, I made it.  I can't say that any of the posts were literary masterpieces, but it was fun and I'm glad I did it.  My old blog used to be a really important part of my life. When I was struggling to get pregnant, there were many days when my blog was the only place I could go for some understanding.  Now that I've moved to my new space, I realize that I still don't feel as comfortable here.  Perhaps posting more often will help that.

I appreciate my blogging and Twitter friends so much, and if you aren't on Twitter, I highly recommend it.  It is my go to place to vent or get support when I need it.  It's also good when you need a few opinions, or 100.  In some ways, I think that blogging has become a bit too serious.  I see some bloggers who write about their families and agonize over every decision and every negative comment until the drama spills over into other social networks.  I am the first to admit that I do my share of agonizing, but to do it for a living would be exhausting.  Some people love that drama and intensity and I guess that's why their blogs have so many readers.  I prefer to stay in my corner and enjoy the outlet it provides.

So, thank you for sticking around for the last 30 days.  I hope you enjoyed it!  I poured you a glass of wine to celebrate........



  1. Yum! I tend to agree with you on the whole blogging/journal thing. Yay for making it to 30!

  2. Congratulations! I just finished my 30 days, too! I'm glad you have a glass for me. We're out at our house. :(

  3. Congratulations, I think that is quite an accomplishment. I always TRY to blog more, but it never quite works for me!

  4. I hope all my holiday family drama isn't what you are talking about. :( I just have to get it out of my system...I'm not looking for validation or agreeing on my side, just to get it out. I try to throw in a baking, crafting, pics, or posts about my baby too!

  5. Congrats of 30 Days!! Maybe next year I'll actually give it a try!

  6. I'm so glad you did it!! I loved reading your posts and can't wait to read more!
